Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders. It involves cultural transformation in the Company as it integrates CSR concepts into its operations and decision making. Therefore, we are committed in aligning our business practices and decision with what is beneficial to the society, the environment and ourselves.


We look at four main focal areas for CSR practice:-

The Environment
We are committed to reducing consumption of resources and energy and minimizing wastage. We will cut down on paper usage and embark on recycling plans at all levels.

The Workplace
We strive to maintain high standards of recruitment, development and retention of employees
within a quality work environment.


The Community
We believe in community service and involvement in community issues which enrich both the community and the Company through charities, donations, scholarships and sponsorships. Our emphasis will be on the welfare, educational and medical needs of the underprivileged, especially orphaned children.


The Marketplace
We realize the importance of interacting responsibly with all our stakeholders in such ways as to engage in ethical business practices, to promote high standards of corporate governance and to consult relevant industry players before making decisions which impact them. Lastly, we hope to deliver sustainable values to the society at large and achieve a high standard of reporting which focuses on Triple Bottom Line for:-






CSR is Not about how we Spend money But about how we Make money….